
Restart My Heart

Beloved friend,

As I turn my eyes toward a new year that brims with possibility and unfurls the hope of a fresh start, I want to let you in on what's happening over here at A Grace Narrative. The blog will soon be moving to a new site, although you will still be able to access the content at My prayer is that I may be able to continuing serving you with encouragement and support in your walk with the Lord.

To begin the new year, I am making a list of all the ways my heart longs for a restart--and because I know that not a person in my life can afford for me to be asleep--I am sharing the following with you...

Awaken My Heart

For God says,
“At just the right time, I heard you.
    On the day of salvation, I helped you.”
Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.

Yeah, I know, it has been that kind of year....The kind where each day can feel like 86,400 breaths that you're barely catching. And don't blink because when you look up it's onto the next thing. The next sound bite. The next snap. The next 140 characters. The next missed call. The next moment reverberates reckless in your already shattered ears. But who can hear it? When the call resounds within your heart to go, to love, to hold, to serve, to be present now...who can hardly even hear it?

It's been the kind of year when unprecedented things happened in the celestial heavens, and earth shattering events shook our souls; when the headlines appeared in your backyard and you knew the names of the victims; and you wept, because who can stand to bare much more of this? We all teetered on the fence between sleeping standing up and awakening to our current reality. This is where we must take pause. We get this one wild moment when our two hands swing straight upward and our souls crash together in one solid stroke. When in our darkest hour, we have a chance at awakening to a brand new thing. Will we not perceive it?