
Banner of Love

He has brought me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love. 
 --Song of Solomon 2:4

Today, I felt less than victorious. The mess of life was too much. I left a pile of mess behind me when I shut that door. 

Breakfast table strewn with cereal box, crumbs, and soiled, empty coffee cups. Socks laid lifeless and stale on the bedroom floor, and yesterday's clean laundry waited to be folded. 

Crumpled sheets pulled back haphazardly were yet unmade. It was an I-barely-made-it-out-of-bed-kind-of-day. I grabbed the check book in a rush to pay a few bills but forgot where they were. 

Today... I was surprised by love.

I received a handmade invitation from my daughter for a special event today. The only thing I really needed to remember was to bring my favorite tea cup.

Walking into my daughter's school, the fellowship hall was adorned with silk flowers, tiered plates of finger sandwiches, assortments of tea, and handmade gifts from the kiddos.

The table was set just for me, a chair pulled out in my honor, a banner draped high: Happy Mother's Day.

Today, I forgot all about the mess I had left behind and walked into a hall of honor.

I held my girl on my lap in mommy's arms of love -- and I was held
For I hold you by your right hand--I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, 'Don't be afraid. I am here to help you (Isaiah 41:13 NLT).
This is the image of the Father's lavish love for his children -- and for us mamas -- daughters of the King. He frames us in the focus of his eternal affections.

It doesn't matter what mess your in right now or the one you just left behind. Just bring your cup...

Today, the King of the heavens has prepared a table before you and the cup he pours into will never run out, your cup will overflow (Psalm 23:5). 

Here you are accepted. You are held. You are honored. You are loved.

Come with me, mama, sit awhile. The table is set for you. The banner announces your name. Come and receive the fullness of his love.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
--Psalm 23:6

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