
Quiet Strength

Welcome to Day 24 of the series Speak Praise as part of the Write 31 Days challenge.

A prevailing pattern among society is that if we want something we have to do it ourselves. We strive to accomplish more, use our words to work our plans, and we're quick to take credit for our victories.

We feel guilty when we have to rest. Yet even the Creator of the universe worked six days and set aside one day to rest. God calls us to stillness because it is in acknowledging Him that we find all that we need.

In Bible study this week we looked at Acts 13. The apostles were waiting on the Lord for their next move in spreading the gospel to the world. Tucked away in verse 2 is a notable discipline of their faith.
As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

How do we minister to the Lord? Before we can step into the next thing we must do this: “Sometimes we just need to be quiet and let the Holy Spirit speak” (Linda Osborne, Acts: Church Alive!).

We bless the Lord by quieting ourselves in worship. We quiet our hearts in order to seek the Lord for his heart and let his love light direct our thoughts before walking into his will.

“Here's my heart Lord. Here's my life Lord. Speak what is true. Speak what is true.” --I Am They

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