
Shine a Light

Welcome to Day 29 of the series Speak Praise as part of the Write 31 Days challenge.

We guided her, blindfolded, up the walkway leading to where her little friends had hidden themselves awaiting her arrival. I held her small hand and steadied her, counting, “1...2...3...” and removed the handkerchief from her eyes.

Friends jumped from their hiding places to shout, “Surprise!!!”

She couldn't have been more full of joy than at that moment! Bashfully she blushed behind the drape of my sweater, biting back shyness to receive the love. Giggles erupted from down in her chest as her friends swarmed around her with hugs and wishes for a happy birthday.

We celebrated as we always should celebrate the gift of a life. With fun, friends, balloons, a pinata, presents, and of course cake! She stood at the edge of the table eyeing the sweet pink swirls of frosting as sweet as the life she lives. Candles lit atop the cake representing five years she has been the light of our lives.

Now imagine, what if at that moment, we had put the cake with all those candles ablaze back inside the box and closed the lid? What if we said, “Sorry guys, no cake for you. Time to go home. There is no party here”? What a crummy way that would be to celebrate a life if we shut down the festivity and denied everyone the pleasure of it.

No, instead, we lit the candles on top of the cake and sang the birthday song together. We invited others to join the party so we could witness together the celebration and beauty of life!

Jesus taught his followers what it means to be children of God and shine our light to others:
“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone..." MATTHEW5:14-15
Before our daughter came into our lives, we had prayed several years for a child. So when that dream was deferred by miscarriage our hearts were deeply grieved. But when the Lord met me in the midst of the darkness with a promise from Psalm 40, I held onto hope like a candle waiting to be lit. 

I was in the pit, but God would not leave me there. In the waiting He drew me to himself and deeper into grace. When she was born, we had every reason to celebrate and God received all the glory!
He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.
PSALM 40:3
This is why I write my story and why your story matters: Because how else will others receive the good news if we don't share it? Because he has saved us from our sins. Because he has redeemed us. Because he has poured out grace upon grace. Because we have been given the gift of eternal life.

When you come to Christ, he holds your hand as you walk blindly on the path of life. He steadies you as you walk along. Then he removes the veil from your eyes and surprises you with JOY. And he puts his light in your heart for all to see the new life that shines within!

When you share your story you invite others to a celebration of life--redemption, healing, renewal, victory, grace--so that others may praise God and put their trust in the Lord.

Tell your story. Share the joy. Shine your light.
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ.

If you are reading my blog for the first time and would like to see other posts in the series Speak Praise, click here. If anything you've read here has been a blessing to you, please comment and share with others on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Thank you for reading!

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