
Words of Promise. Worship with Purpose.

Recently I began a total refurbishment of my blog when I just sort of fell upon the Write 31 Days challenge. I saw it as a divine opportunity to learn more about putting my writing out there and letting God's grace write my story.

The day that I signed up for this challenge, I had picked up my daughter from preschool as usual. When I arrived at the door of her classroom she had a complete meltdown. Why? Because I was taking her home and she wanted to stay at school!

I was befuddled. Normally I may have come undone, completely flustered by my child's unreasonable toddler emotions (they're no joke!). But the Shepherd is gentle. He has a way of infusing me with the ability to hold it together when there is something to learn.

So I listened. My four year old had these powerful emotions that she couldn't understand let alone express. She screamed. She even called me names. She refused me.

All my little child needed at that moment was to let it all out. I embraced her and told her how much I love her. We talked about how it's okay to feel and Jesus wants us to tell him how we feel and thank him when he helps us.

From situations like this one I began to see the many ways our words matter and God's word has the power to change us from the inside out. Our response is to give back praise: in the way we speak, in our thoughts, in our silence, how we treat one another, as we worship God with our very lives.

I began to reflect on how our thoughts reveal our beliefs and our words influence our actions.

God has already been showing me how to meditate on His promises and how to view His silence.

I am learning how our worship affirms our faith in a living God and His presence in our lives.

I want to speak life into my relationships and everyday moments, especially through the trials.

I am ready to start putting praise into practice.

Already the faith required of me to bring the power of praise into my life is being tested as my husband and I walk through some big changes. We are experiencing God's promises proven true in our own marriage and in witnessing the trials of others close to us who are battling cancer, chronic disease, persecution, a prodigal child, infertility, and loss of employment. And God gets all the glory when we come through affliction with praise on our lips and in our stories.

The posts in this series will include not just writing but also music videos, scripture, and shared links to other writers who speak on similar themes.

I am remaining flexible as to how God leads us on this journey. I am not a theologian but I am hungry for the bread of life, so I fully expect that I will be learning some things far beyond what I imagine as we speak praise for 31 days.

Won't you join me? I would sincerely love to connect with others on this journey and hear your reflections along the way!

Grace to you.

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