Today in The Women series we meet a character who
might surprise you with her story of sin and God's redemptive love.
Our prayer is that many will be touched by going deeper in the Word to
study women from scripture. Thank you for reading and following this
The Women: Miriam
Seven Days Outside the Camp
Guest post by, Linda Osborne
along with Miriam's story in the following section of scripture:
wonder if any of you have you ever been shut outside the camp for
seven days. Miriam was—and I have been, as well.
fact is, that we sin daily. Little sins, big sins, sins with our
lips, sins in our hearts, sins against others, sins against God. We
all sin—that is an undeniable fact. That's why Jesus had to die.
God for 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins He is faithful
and righteous to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all
I have
come to realize in my own life, that there are areas I just
can't fix. I see my sin. I know it shouldn’t be there. I pray
about it and try to be good, but there is something I can't seem to
get at.
sometimes, when I continue to sin in a particular way, over and over
again, or when I sin in a way that crosses a line, God will step in
and help me along, so to speak ... discipline me.
writer of Hebrews tells us that those whom the Lord loves He
disciplines. And His love response to me goes something like this:
"Linda, I love you so much, that I sent my son to die
for your sin. But you have gone too far, and I can't allow you to
remain in a condition which continually produces this sin."
think that's what happened to Miriam here. I think, in her sin, she
crossed a line. She went too far, and the Lord needed to help her
in an area in which she was unable to help herself.
think it's safe to say the Lord was angry at Miriam with a righteous
indignation. She had touched holy ground. She touched His anointed,
Moses. And the Lord judged her for it!
he may have been her little brother, and she may have thought
that she had a special right, because of that fact, to put him in his
place whenever she might have the inclination.
But he
was God’s anointed; His chosen one. The work he did was
representative of and a forerunner to the work Christ would do. And I
think that's key to what we see happen here to Miriam.
Now we
know that all of our sin has to be judged—that’s why Christ had
to die on the cross. But most of the time the judgment is
internal—between God and us. It comes in the form of conviction.
We repent and ask Him to forgive us; and He forgives us, based on the
work of the cross.
sometimes, it’s as if He says, "this time you have crossed a
line. This time you will bear the discipline."
remember a time many years ago now that I was shut outside the camp,
so to speak. I touched something that wasn’t mine to touch.
minute I realized what I had done, I took steps to turn it around,
and I asked God to forgive me, and I know He did. Right then.
He made me bear my reproach for about three days. It was as if
God turned His face from me. I knew I was out of His favor. And I
didn’t know, for a time, if I would be restored again.
knew, because of Scripture, that I would be forgiven; but I
didn’t know for sure if I would be restored.
think it was about three days later, that I woke up in the morning
with a song on my heart. I immediately knew it was over. I had been
restored, and I was the most grateful person alive!
know, I don’t know how many times Miriam had sinned in this
particular way. More than likely, she had criticized Moses many times
before. And even when we see her criticizing his choice of a wife, we
don’t see God move. But when she criticized his God-given
authority, the line was crossed.
see ladies, we don’t necessarily know when our sin is going to
cross the line, so we need to stop before it goes too far. The Bible
tells us to judge ourselves.
you realize that you are continually sinning in a certain area or a
certain way—stop and pray! Don’t think that just because you have
gotten away with that sin before, you are okay. There may come a day,
and you may not even see it coming, when God allows you to bear the
reproach of that sin and disciplines you.
careful not to get so close to the line, that without even realizing
it, you find you have crossed it.
be careful how you touch the holy things of God. Learn to
have great respect for the things God esteems. Handle His Word with
great care and reverence. And be careful to treat His chosen vessels
with similar respect.
was holy to God. His position was holy to God. Miriam touched him in
a manner that was crude. God could not allow that sin to go
unpunished. I think we see the leprosy that covered Miriam as a
picture of her sin exposed.
allowed others to see the sin that had been hidden in Miriam's heart.
She had a jealous spirit. She had a discontent spirit. And we need to
be so careful of those secret sins, ladies.
you know what I think? As difficult and even humiliating as those
seven days outside the camp were, I think Miriam was better off for
the rest of her life because of them. The mercy of God is seen in
that judgment!
the entire process, from beginning to end, I believe Miriam was taken
to another place in her spiritual maturity.
it is the goodness, the kindness, the extravagant love of God that
leads us to repentance. {Rom 2:4}
Linda Osborne
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