The earth was formless and empty,
and darkness covered the deep waters.
And the Spirit of God was
hovering over the surface of the waters.
There are seasons of life when one can
feel like there is nothing left to give. You've already done all you
can. You've given it all you've got. What now? What next? You have
emptied yourself of any last bit of strength in your reserve. Life
feels void. Have you been there? Maybe you're there now.
I am encouraged reading God's story of
the beginning. His creation, formless and empty, God started with
nothing. And he made something. He did the impossible and he
does it everyday...
You know, sometimes our impossible
thing is not going to have the outcome we choose. But God has a plan
that is so vastly detailed and perfect that he won't allow a single
thing to happen that is out of his control.
We see that in the creation story, and
it gives me so much hope. He is a brooding God. Like the mother hen
who hovers over her eggs before they hatch. He is expectantly
preparing the next part of His plan. He has already made the proper
preparations, and he calls them good.
He has a plan and a purpose for your
life—empty as it may seem today—and it is good.
Right now it may not feel very good. It
hurts. It's messy. You may even feel like the darkness may swallow
you up. But you can count on one thing, He will never fail to fulfill
His word (see Luke 1:37).
He who formed a shapeless world and
filled it with light and color, teaming with life, He is planning big
things for you. He wants to take your nothing and turn it into
something meaningful. God is re-forming and re-shaping you
more into His image, and that is very good.
Hang on my friend. God is moving over
your life and your situation. He is preparing new life to come out of
the darkness.
passed and morning came. {Gen 1:5}
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