
Day 4 - Time Out

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”
    And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”

I gave myself a time out today. Life can feel so chaotic at times as we move from one thing to the next. Mix in bills and car repairs, dishes and laundry, and of course the unexpected crises [plural] that erupt just to throw it all into a whirl wind. It can leave one feeling breathless and broken in the fray.

It's good to slow and set yourself aside from it all for a bit. Because before you know it, the kids are in the door, and homework, shoe piles, Legos, and laundry take over the quiet. And if we're not careful we become unraveled, like that sweater that you just bought but the thread was pulled and now you're left undone.

But when we take a moment to look at the face of Jesus in the storm, we acknowledge who holds it all together--the One who is really in control. And it's not me.

So I took a time out this morning to meet with a friend over coffee. We went to a real coffee house with that special local brew. We ordered lattes with coffee art in the foam and drank them slow from wide mugs on saucers. We nibbled on cake donuts glazed with cinnamon and chocolate, and sat outside at a table, talking over the things God is up to in our lives.

It's time-outs--deliberate moments of slow--that let us savor the sweet life. When we allow room for God to speak to our hearts through prayer, the words of a friend, or a book, a podcast, a song, or more importantly through His word.

Make room for the sound of His voice so that when he calls you can answer, "Lord, I am coming."

Revive My Heart - Write 31 Days 

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