
Day 11 - Blind Faith

My big brother is like my hero. When we were kids he was a self taught drummer. I thought he was a rock star. He was good at art, cycling, building, you name it. I also believed that my brother knew it all (so did he). I still think he knows a lot and he has a great deal to share from a godly perspective. So it is a privilege and a joy to share a bit of his wisdom in this guest post by my dear brother.


Blind Faith: Lessons from a Blind Boston Terrier

Guest post by, Jonathan Van Sice

I was spending this past Mother’s Day with my sister and brother-in-law at his folk's house. My sister's dog, a Boston Terrier, recently lost his eye sight, but he’s adjusted well to being blind. Early on in his blindness he stumbled about and struggled to move around the house. But now that he’s been blind for some time, he’s become used to coexisting with people, more specifically his family.

So as we moved around the house, living room, and kitchen, the dog was constantly standing in the way. Why was he standing in the way? Well, because he wanted to be with us, part of the action. He was no longer bothered by his blindness because he knew he was at home.

You see, this dog knows that we love him and that we can accommodate his blindness. We understand his handicap. So we move around him and over him and sometimes we push him out of the way, gently. He seems to understand now what’s happening and why and he's okay with it. He knows us, he knows that we are in charge, and that we have his best interest in mind.

I think we, as God’s children, are like my sister's dog. We are blind but we're in God’s family. God understands that we're blind. And we understand that God has our best interest in mind. So what do we do? We get in the middle of the action regardless of our blindness. Why? Because we know that God will move around us and over us and sometimes gently push us out of the way of harm. And we’re okay with that. Because we know we are blind and how to deal with that, and we want to be with Him and His family.

You see our sin blinds us, but when we believe in Christ, God becomes our eyes. As our loving Father, he watches out for us and cares for us.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
John Newton 1773

(Please click here to read about the story of John Newton and embracing limitations.)

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